- Tax transparency: an UK example
- Transfer pricing: surviving the new tax world
- Transfer Pricing and Customs Valuation
- BEPS 2015 Final Reports
- International Taxation and Tax Rulings: Policy Issues at Challenging Times (TAXE2)
- EU - State aid - DG Competition – Internal Working Paper
- EU - Overview of the European Parliament's initiatives on taxation
- EU - Anti Tax Avoidance Package
- EU - Public consultation on further corporate tax transparency
- EU - Introducing public country-by-country reporting for multinational enterprises
- EU - Re-launch of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB)
- EU - TAXE II committee report - Tax Challenges in the Digital Economy
- EU - adopts new corporate tax avoidance rules (12 July 2016)
- Fighting effectively against tax cheating, devious tax avoidance and money laundering
- Transfer Pricing and Developing Economies
- OECD - Actions needed to advance global tax transparency
- OECD - Global tax and transparency
- OECD's - BEPS involving interest in the banking and insurance sectors
- EU - Accounting Directive - CbC reporting / tax transparency
- Draft report on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect for European Parliament
- UK - Tax administration: large businesses transparency strategy
- UK - HMRC publishes tax strategy guidance
- Australia targets businesses that shift profits offshore
- Examples of public tax transparency statements
- The Tax Transparency Benchmark 2015
- BEPS and indirect tax
Corporate responsibility - Table of Contents
- Details
- Written by Richard Cornelisse
- Category: Tax Transparency
- Hits: 8113