Indirect Tax Trends and News 164 topics
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Surveys published 135 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Trends 18 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Indirect Tax News 9 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Standard Audit Files: OECD 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Main Forum 1 topic
This is the main forum section. It serves as a container for categories for your topics.
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Welcome at our Forum 1 topicWe encourage new members to introduce themselves here. Get to know one another and share your interests. If you do not want to share your name you could just describe your function and responsibilities that have you want to get.
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Suggestion Box No topicsHave some feedback and input to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Indirect Tax Risk Management 31 topics
This category is about the ways of testing the effectiveness of the VAT Control Framework. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Share succes and war stories or bottlenecks that you are currently facing and want to overcome. Easier way is to copy paste certain parts of the website re the building block of a VAT Control Framework and start a discussion.
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Why Manage Indirect Taxes? 3 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
VAT Throughput 3 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Fraud 17 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Validation Of VAT Numbers 4 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Risk Identifier 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Building Blocks of an Indirect Tax Strategic Plan 26 topics
This category is about writing and communicating and Indirect Tax Strageic plan for the short and long term. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Share succes and war stories or bottlenecks that you are currently facing and want to overcome. Easier way is to copy paste certain parts of the website re Building Block of a Strategic Plan and start a discussion.
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Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Audit Defense 11 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Structure Indirect Tax Function 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Communication And Sponsorship 4 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Tax Policy 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Non Routine And Significant Business Transactions 12 topics
This category is about non routine and significant business transactions. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Share succes and war stories or bottlenecks that you are currently facing and want to overcome. Easier way is to copy paste certain parts of the website re Planning of non-routine transactions and start a discussion.
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Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Shared Service Centers 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Migration To New Jurisdictions 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Merger & Acquisition 4 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Principal Structures 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Central Procurement 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Building Blocks of a VAT Control Framework 22 topics
This category is about an Effective VAT Control Framework. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Share succes and war stories or bottlenecks that you are currently facing and want to overcome. Easier way is to copy paste certain parts of the website re VAT Control Framework and start a discussion.
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Best Practices 6 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Training 9 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Testing The Effectiveness 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Role Of Internal Audit 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Process Improvement 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Data and Technology 54 topics
This category is about IT Solutions and Tools. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Share succes and war stories or bottlenecks that you are currently facing and want to overcome. Easier way is to copy paste certain parts of the website re Data and Technology.
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SAP 34 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Oracle 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Tax Engines 10 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Intrastat 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Data Analytics 4 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Tax Technology News 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Compliance 20 topics
This category is about compliance. Attach hyperlinks, articles, copy quotes, executive summaries and raise open questions and/or give your viewpoint. Set up a poll yourself. Examples are reporting question, preparation issues, formalities and filings deadlines
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Compliance Requirements 18 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Compliance Challenges 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Indirect Tax Technical 35 topics
This category is about EU versus local law and regulatory changes. It is about notifying and sharing news value, provide opinions and/or attach your article or hyperlinks to start a discussion and asking questions. Examples are VAT qualifications, place of supply, etc
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EU Development And Case Law 33 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
VAT/GST Discussions 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
External Auditors 1 topic
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Auditing Indirect Tax 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Articles Shared Shared By The Community 13 topics
This category relates to Articles that you consider interesting.. Add your own article, quote or hyperlink articles just for sharing to the community, to start a discussion, receive feedback, for own competitor analysis, to support vendor selection or simply to get heard. Any copy right should be respected.
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Own Articles 8 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Articles Read 5 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Corporate Income Tax Trends And News 96 topics
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Survey published 91 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Tax Strategic 2 topics
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Tax Technology 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Structure tax function 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
Data access and Data quality 1 topic
Moderators: rico, Caspar001, fgeertman, Sjors
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