Norway has announced changes regarding VAT returns that should come into force starting in January 2022.
The main objective is to submit VAT returns from ERP systems. The VAT return will be based on SAF-T coding. However, it will still be a separate tax reporting requirement. The new digital format will be in XML, and the existing 19 boxes will be extended to 30 boxes. The new solution is currently under development, and TA has done its first test ultimo 2020.
The solution's development and improvements will continue in 2021, and Norway aims to release the first version at the end of this year. The planned test phase is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2021. The full technical specs have been released.
KGT SAP add-ons for SAF-T, e-invoicing and MTD UK for VAT work as a standalone application within the SAP system and does not change existing customer SAP functionality or processes. It is fully configurable with custom namespace /KGT.
KGT partnered up with SAP regarding 'SAP Advanced Compliance Reporting for SAP HANA'. The 'Advanced Compliance Reporting' (ACR) service enables you to configure, generate, analyze, and electronically submit statutory reports that contain indirect taxes, such as value-added tax.
KGT provides also S/4 HANA transformation support.