Greece intends to roll out a mandatory application of electronic invoicing and electronic bookkeeping. For companies that are involved in the public procurement, the law will be in force as of 2019.
From 1 January 2020, this tax requirement will be mandatory for all B2B and B2C transactions.
The objective of this VAT data request is:
- Coverage of the real-time submission of invoices and receipts and electronic maintenance of statutory books
- Implementation for over 100,000 companies starting from 1 January 2019, and from 1 January 2020 for all companies
Usage of the governmental platform TAXIS
The full end-to-end process, technical specifications, the data exchange security and the responsibilities of the service providers are expected to be defined shortly and published by the Ministry of Finance.
It is our strategy that for every for e-invoicing and SAF-T data requests in Europe. We partner up with our clients, so via outsourcing to us, clients realize that these tax obligations including maintenance are met moving forward. All our SAP add-on products follow the same method and footprint to establish a standardized approach that goes beyond local borders.
SAP add-on for Greek myDATA obligations 2021
KGT SAP add-ons for SAF-T, e-invoicing and MTD UK for VAT work as a standalone application within the SAP system and does not change existing customer SAP functionality or processes. It is fully configurable with custom namespace /KGT.
KGT partnered up with SAP regarding 'SAP Advanced Compliance Reporting for SAP HANA'. The 'Advanced Compliance Reporting' (ACR) service enables you to configure, generate, analyze, and electronically submit statutory reports that contain indirect taxes, such as value-added tax.
KGT provides also S/4 HANA transformation support.